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This blog title is a line from one of the songs of a popular Nigerian gospel artist Buchi.
The gospel is not for Sunday morning
Sunday morning alone
Each and every day that the lord has made
We have to give thanks and praise to the lord
Almighty father, papa never tire

Okay, back to the post before we get carried away. As the song writer says, the gospel is really not for Sunday morning alone. A lot of us only remember our bibles only on Sunday; a lot of us only remember God on Sunday unless we are going through some difficulty. Well, I’m here to tell you that
It is not only on Sundays that you read your bible
It is not only on Sunday that you fellowship with your maker
It is not only on Sundays that you bridle your tongue
It is not only on Sunday that you go to church (remember that fellowship with the brethren enhances the sprit)
It is not only on Sunday that you dress decently
It is not only on Sunday that you post decent write-ups on Facebook
It is not only on Sunday that you caution yourself against mocking someone
It is not only on Sunday that you abstain from immoral relations
It is not only on Sunday that you abstain from doing wrong
Yes the bible said, observe the Sabbath day to keep it holy but it didn’t say, desecrate other days. While talking with a friend a while back, he said that during his quiet time, the Holy Spirit ministered to him an insightful truth; that the presence of God is mostly always with us in our unguarded moments. He doesn’t only come in church when we are in religious regalia with a sanctimonious face, praising him like he is the only best thing that has happened to us. We are his children and he has put His angels charge over us, therefore He is always with us.
So if you are a Sunday-Sunday Christian, you go to church only on Sunday, do good only on Sunday, read your bible only on Sunday, the week is for you to run your life as you want, you only acknowledge his supremacy on Sundays, then my dear, stop wasting your precious time. You are not a Christian at all.
We can’t keep speaking harsh and immoral words every day, sleep with our numerous girlfriends during the week, wear the skimpiest dresses and attract more souls to the devil’s kingdom and then on Sunday, we run to church to praise God. Bible said that the prayer of a sinner is an abomination to God.
Dust your bible and develop a quiet time every day with Him, join a department in church and serve in the household of God, have morning and night devotions even if it is 20 minutes, pray more, worship more, take out time and evangelize to people. Don’t be too busy for God that you can only spare Sunday for him. Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
 The gospel is not for Sunday morning alone, God’s words and commandments is not for Sunday morning alone, it is for each and every day of our life that the lord has made.

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  1. This is so true, we are in the last days and so many are being deceived. A walk with God demands much more commitment than one time in a week. God deserves to have us every minute of every hour of our live.

  2. I agree with you, you couldn't have said it any better


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