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Hello blog readers its been a while. Happy new week pals. Hope you all had a great weekend? Mine wasn’t so fantastic but all glory belongs to God. I compiled some inspirational quotes for us to start off our week with.

*      God’s plans for your life exceed your present circumstances…don’t take them so much into consideration.  

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*      How many things are you thankful for? What if you woke up today with only the things you thanked God for yesterday. Have a thankful heart
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*      Stop saying I wish and start saying I will………… something about that wish.

Image result for start doing, stop wishing

*      You cannot build a reputation on what you are going to do.

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*      You don’t have to have it all figured out to move forward…just start somewhere.

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*      Failure doesn’t mean you are a failure, it means you haven’t yet succeeded.

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*      Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out.

Image result for things turn out best for hard work

*      God can turn around any situation and I mean any situation

Image result for god can turn things around

*      Never give up……no matter what, just never give up

Image result for things turn out best for hard work

Then my quote of the day is please stop looking down on yourself. It is otherwise known as low self es-teem. A lot see themselves as inadequate as worthless, as though they are irrelevant, that’s not true. No creature of God is worthless. You may have done something wrong or you may have failed in endeavors, all you have to do is sit up and make it right. You are just as special as every other person, don’t look down on yourself.Image result for a beautiful picture to start a day

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