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Eshe ibitetibere
Eshe ibitebade
Adukpe o Jesu
Ibite muwa lo

My heart is filled with gratitude. At the end of last year, I wasn’t in a good place. There was this heart-gnawing fear. A new phase was coming in my life and the uncertainty of the future just ate me away. My relationship with God was on a zig-zag lane and the downward lane seemed to last for longer periods than the upward. I was honestly so scared about the future. A lot of what ifs.

For the first time, I asked for a word for the coming year (2016). I blogged about it hereI I have heard people say they do this so I decided to try even though I couldn’t think of a “word” that will possibly deal collectively with all the commotions going on in my head. Then on the 31st night, I got the word! From Isaiah 41: 10-14. In three places, God said, fear not, for I will help you. I had a kind of peace and certainty that I’ve never felt before.

Did He help me? Oh sure, He did.

When I called, He answered.

When I lacked, He made a way

When I was scared, He calmed me.

He connected me with the right people, the right friends. He favoured me. Even when I wanted stress, He said No.
This year I completed my law school program, I know at least five people who died. One was my course mate in the university. Not only did I complete it, but I did so successfully. It went without a hitch, no queries, no problems with the lecturers, no lack, no externship issues, no dinning issues, and no hostel issues. God was there all the way. I passed the exams, I went through the screening exercise successfully, was called to bar successfully. It was favour favour all the way. There are so many things He did that I cannot even begin to explain. During the exams, it was like God himself was setting the questions! Ah! I tried chronicling my law school miracles but my book almost finished and that wasn’t what I bought the book for. lol

God delivered I and my parents from death by accident. Oh it was a clear case. I was just watching myself going to die but God averted it! My sister delivered safely after 16 hours of labour and two miscarriages.
My relationship with God skyrocketed. The zig zag life reduced drastically. I got to know God on a whole new level and see Him at work.

Deliverance from sicknesses, from fire disaster, from costly incidents, from loss, from lack, so many things that I cannot list.

Who am I that you are mindful of me? I am grateful to you Lord for you are worthy and true.

P.s the blog is still on. I'm sorry for the long absence. I'm really working on reducing it. See you all next year. Don't forget to enter into the year with thanksgiving.



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